these working conditions that hold back candidates

Nearly three-quarters of companies are experiencing recruitment difficulties, according to official figures from the Ministry of Labour. At the top of the sectors that are struggling to hire, metallurgy, energy, other industries, transport, technical and administrative activities and construction.

But why such difficulties? When we listen to companies, it’s because we lack skilled labor, but not only, say two studies released in quick succession in recent days. One of which comes from France Strategy, an organization placed under the Prime Minister, and the other carried out by Dares, the statistical organization of the Ministry of Labor.

First obstacle to hiring: working conditions that are too difficult. This is especially valid in sectors known for their constraints such as the agricultural and food industries, the hotel and catering industry, transport, health and social action. 85% of employers who report difficult working conditions encounter recruitment difficulties. Three main families of working conditions are likely to discourage applicants. It is first of all the physical arduousness of the tasks: carrying heavy loads, noise, repetitive work, painful postures and exposure to chemical agents. There are also psychosocial risks, clike having to work in a hurry or having tensions with the public.

Finally, there are time constraints: unpredictable working hours, night work, work on Sundays. Candidates place more and more importance on their work-life balance.

There are also factors that are related to the employer himself and there France Strategy throws a stone into the pond. The organization believes that factors such as human resources management, management, the psychology of the business leader and the brand image of the company explain, more than other more easily observable criteria, such as the size company or its location, recruitment difficulties.

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