These wild animals that are garden helpers

It takes everything in a garden

says Jacky Mercier the market gardener from Frontenay on Dive, of everything and everyone.

The birds ? But yes, they are useful for collecting worms such as wireworms and insects that are too numerous. But strawberries? They’re going to eat all the strawberries, right? Put up a net but don’t chase everyone out of your vegetable garden.

Jacky Mercier installs poles several meters high with a small platform at the top for birds of prey. These will regulate the rodents at night.

The mole crickets? Ah, if there are only one or two in the garden, they will certainly eat roots but also larvae, they are also called mole-crickets. Amazing nocturnal insect that can reach 10 cm in length.

The Hedgehog ? A strong ally that eats slugs, snails and insects. Be careful not to use slug pellets, also be careful when mowing.

The toad ? A big insect eater at nightfall, it deserves a little damp corner where it will spend the hot days.

Jacky Mercier reminds us:

a garden is a living space.

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