these unexpected techniques to deal with rat invasions


Article written by

G. Benzina, C. Guyon, S. Piard, M. Birden, N. Pekez, N. Auer, K. Annette – France 2

France Televisions

It is a real scourge in Paris but not only. Rats proliferate in large cities feasting on trash and unemptied trash cans. How to fight against this invasion? Investigation.

The rat has sneaked into the heart of cities. In the capital, they would be even more numerous than the inhabitants. “It disgusts me and when I see them running when I come home and it’s dark, I have a startled movement”says a woman. In the 17th arrondissement of Paris, exasperated residents have decided to act. That day, they locate the place of their intervention. The nests are located thanks to an application created by the town hall of the 17th. Locals report where they saw a rat. Volunteers then come to work. “We filled the burrow with carbon dioxide and put dirt on it. They can no longer go out and they are asphyxiated”explains Sylvain Clama, co-founder of the citizen brigade.

In a Parisian supermarket, a exterminator comes to check his traps and obviously they have been visited. In an airtight box, he placed a poison that the rats came to eat. Faced with the phenomenon, cities like Vincennes (Val-de-Marne) have chosen a more ecological solution: of the ferrets naturally predatory on the rat. The exterminator launches the animal into the burrows and then recovers the rats which they place in a barrel and then kill them.

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