Disconnection, applications dedicated to relaxation… Certain devices exist to relax and have more peaceful sleep. Important because we spend a third of our lives in bed.
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Are the French tired? The answer is rather clear, because in 30 years, we have lost 1.5 hours of rest every night. One in three sleepers complain of the poor quality of their sleep. However, we sleep on average for a third of our lives, or 25 to 27 years, so we might as well pamper our sleep. But it’s not always easy. Today, we are overworked, often stressed, our consumption patterns have evolved. Above all, we are constantly surrounded by screens, whether it is our computers, our phones, our televisions. These screens also emit blue light, and this has a harmful impact on the secretion of melatonin, that is to say the sleep hormone.
If you can, disconnect at least an hour before going to bed, or opt for glasses with yellow lenses that filter blue light. They were developed by the Izipizi brand with an optometry researcher. It works well, because according to an Opinionway survey, these glasses halve the time it takes to fall asleep and are effective after five days of use.
Relaxation and meditation
There are some tips for relaxing and getting more peaceful sleep.. There are applications dedicated to relaxation or meditation that you may have already heard of such as Snooze, Petit Bambou or Calm. Otherwise there is a rather special enclosure, Morphée, that’s its name. It is disconnected, without waves, and without a screen. This is a real plus because you leave your phone behind. This enclosure offers 200 combinations of sophrology, meditation and even cardiac coherence sessions designed and validated by sleep professionals. Each of them lasts between 8 to 20 minutes, which allows you to calm down and fall asleep more quickly and deeply.
All of these tips are not miracle cures if you have real sleep problems. In which case ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice. They can recommend sleep centers to you. The list can also be found online on the internet. And remember, sleep is extremely important for your health, don’t neglect it!