“These strikes will make Ukrainians more united and more determined”, reacts the mayor of the city of Zhytomyr

The Kremlin is determined to deprive Ukraine of electricity. More than seven million Ukrainian homes suffered power cuts on Tuesday, November 15, after a massive attack by Russia, with a hundred missiles fired. The city of Zhytomyr, located 150 km from kyiv, was hit by two projectiles. Its mayor, Serhiy Soukhomline, reacts to franceinfo to these new strikes targeting energy infrastructure. Ironically, the mayor was to take off for Washington (United States) today, in order to participate in a meeting on the country’s energy security: “I canceled last Saturday, as we were expecting more airstrikes around November 15 or 16.”

Franceinfo: What is the situation in Zhytomyr?

Serhiy Sukhomline: The attack is over as we speak, and there is no more air alert. The inhabitants can therefore come out of the shelters, but we expect a new wave of attacks during the night. Today there were two missile strikes on the city of Zhytomyr and one on another town in the region.

Power was cut across the city. Our technicians and energy specialists are doing everything possible to restore electricity supplies. Some areas of the city have already regained energy, especially where there are critical infrastructures, such as hospitals or water pumping systems.

How do you react to these new attacks?

In 1940, Germany stepped up massive strikes on London, tens of thousands of civilians died. The survivors had no heat or electricity, but their spirits remained intact. The British citizens managed to win the war, and the Germans were sent to the Nuremberg tribunal. In the same way, these strikes will make the Ukrainians more united and more determined. There is no panic in our society.

How are you going to hold out in the short term?

We were preparing for these kinds of situations. Some of the homes, which were traditionally heated by gas, have switched to alternative heating methods such as fuel oil. This made our system more stable. In addition, a month ago, we decided to order high-capacity generators, in order to ensure a certain electrical continuity for heating in the future, even in the event of a blackout.

Do these strikes discourage you?

This is the most massive attack so far. As the G20 takes place, Putin wants to show the muscles and therefore launches a massive attack on the whole Ukrainian territory. Over a hundred missiles were fired by Russian forces today. Our soldiers, whose parents live in Ukrainian towns without electricity, will be even more determined and they will want to win the war.

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