These stars who live with a mental illness!

Being a star isn’t just about living a glitzy life in the spotlight. On the contrary, like all of us, celebrities are not spared the vagaries of life. And in particular by mental health disorders. Subject initially taboo, with the advent of social networks and the new proximity they maintain with their fans, more and more people have decided to break the silence around their troubles.

Like singer and actress Selena Gomez, who told The Hollywood Reporter in 2018 of the relief that her diagnosis of bipolar disorder brought her.”It was as if a huge weight had been lifted from me when it was discovered. I took a deep breath and was like ‘ok, that explains so much’.”, she said at the time. These same disorders from which the rapper suffers and ex-husband of Kim Kardashian, Kanye West. Or even Britney Spears, who long before, in 2007, slipped by shaving her head in front of the whole world.

Singer Lady Gaga also lifted the veil on her fibromyalgia in her documentary “Five Foot Two” released in 2017. Fibromyalgia is also called body depression. Depression, when we know that it affects around 9 million people in France alone (according to Santé Publique France) has not spared either loana. The former reality TV candidate spoke in 2016 on the program “Salut les earthlings”, hosted by Thierry Ardisson, about her suicide attempts following her long and violent depression.

A subject also raised by Serena Williams, Chrissy Teigenou again Alessandra Sublet. The three having meanwhile gone through a postpartum depression. The former French presenter mentioned in 2013 in the She this difficult time. “It fell on me with violence, as if I had become another woman that I no longer recognized, at the same time dumb, amorphous and incapable of performing the simplest gestures, such as giving my daughter a bath or even give him a bottle”she said.

More recently, it is the models Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid who spoke on social media about their generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety. Like what, to name only these celebrities, the status of “star” does not always allow you to lead an easy life!

Antoine FM

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