These stars who intend to vote for Jean-Luc Mélenchon!

The presidential race begins its home stretch this Monday, April 4, 2022. And for good reason, in just a few days, nearly 48 million French voters will be called upon to vote to elect the next President of the Fifth Republic…

A first round where Emmanuel Macron arrives at the head of the race according to the latest Opinion 2022 poll carried out by the Elabe institute for BFMTV, Express and SFR. Indeed, with 28.5% of voting intentions, Brigitte Macron’s husband comes first in voting intentions, followed by Marine Le Pen (22%) and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (15%).

Today more than ever, the candidate of rebellious France Jean-Luc Mélenchon therefore hopes to make a breakthrough in the polls to be in the second round against Emmanuel Macron, the current President of the Republic.

“If the left is in the second round, for two weeks we will talk about retirement at 60, the minimum wage at €1,400, ecological planning or the end of sexual violence. We will convince millions of people and this will condition our individual and collective capacities for resistance and mobilization for the years to come. Finally, we will talk about a common future. With the left in the second round, it becomes imaginable to win the presidential election,” can we read on the site dedicated to his campaign,

A site where the candidate for the presidential election invites to sign a call to mobilize for the left. An appeal that several public figures have already signed…

See also: Michel Cymes tackles Mélenchon …

Lisa Ziane

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