these stars who are fighting against this still taboo disease!

Still taboo, endometriosis is a chronic gynecological disease that affects 1 in 10 women (Inserm). It is characterized by the development, outside the uterus, of tissue similar to that of the uterine lining (called the endometrium). In most cases, it results in intense abdominal and pelvic pain and infertility.

Despite ongoing medical research, the disease sometimes takes a long time to be diagnosed. Some women even wait several years before seeing a diagnosis made, remaining in years of suffering and medical wandering.

In recent years, several celebrities have spoken of their personal struggle in the public square. Important testimonials, in particular to enlighten, alert and educate women on this subject, which is still little discussed and little known by the medical profession and the general public.

Did you know ? For the moment, there is no definitive treatment to cure the disease. Only surgery can completely eliminate the lesions associated with endometriosis (Source: Inserm)

pamela anderson

©Everett Collection/ABACA

The famous actress and playmate discovered her illness during a miscarriage that occurred during the filming of the film Barbwire. Since then, she has been undergoing treatment and has given birth to two beautiful boys, Brandon and Dylan, whom she had with rocker Tommy Lee.

Lorie Pester

©Berzane Nasser/ABACA

After having an ectopic pregnancy requiring an emergency operation, the singer discovered her endometriosis. Wishing to have children, the doctors advised her to freeze her oocytes in Spain, to plan a pregnancy later.

In an interview with Konbini, she says “I decided to talk about it today, because I realized that there were a lot of women who were in the same situation as me. And that it is a subject that is still taboo »

In 2018, Lorie even wrote an open letter to Emmanuel Macron, to demand the legislation of egg freezing in France.

Whoopi Goldberg

©PA Photos/ABACA

Suffering from endometriosis for years, the actress has been campaigning since her diagnosis for better awareness. In 2009, at a charity ball organized by the Endometrioris Foundation of America, she declared: “I never considered that it was possible that women were not informed […] We need to get rid of the shame that is associated with endometriosis. It doesn’t matter if you are a woman or a man. It’s a misunderstood pathology, and people need to know it exists. It’s that simple. Nothing fancy in that! »

Laetitia Milot

©Witt Jacques/Pool/ABACA

After six years of exams and four different doctors, the actress of More beautiful life revealed to have endometriosis in her book When is the baby due? Very worried about the possibility of having a child one day, the godmother of the EndoFrance association still managed to get pregnant with a little girl, Lyana, born in 2018. “A miracle” according to her.

Enora Malagré


In 2017, the former columnist of Do not touch My TV revealed his battle with endometriosis: “At the time of TPMP, I had up to three miscarriages a year: it took my life! When I’m in crisis, I can be HS for forty-eight hours, “she confided to Paris Match. “I had pain to die for and almost fainted. And then, not being able to get up from home for almost 24 hours or even 48 hours, it’s incredible ”

Very painful, endometriosis can become truly disabling on a daily basis. It is for this reason that Enora had her uterus removed at the age of 37, by performing a hysterectomy.


©Veuillet Quentin/ABACA

The singer of You Will Never Know suffered from endometriosis since she was 15 years old. Today, she has become a mother and continues to speak out to shine the spotlight on this disease: “ When period pain prevents going to school, prevents work, when sexual intercourse is painful, it is not normal » actually declared the godmother of the Endomind association.

Julia Paredes


In his book How I live with endometriosis, the reality TV candidate reveals that she has suffered from endometriosis for more than ten years. “I wrote this book to tell you that, no, you are not alone. Together, we can find solutions. Together, we can get better and begin our healing. » she writes.

Like many women with this disease, she faced medical wandering, pain and the fear of never becoming a mother one day. Despite many difficulties, she still gave birth to Luna, born in 2017.

Daisy Ridley

©PA Photos/ABACA

Diagnosed very early (at the age of 15), the actress revealed in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakensdescribed his illness in an Instagram post. ” I tried everything: drugs, antibiotics, more drugs and more antibiotics and all I got in the end was a ravaged body. I finally found out I had ovarian cysts »she told her fans.

Cyndi Lauper


Affected by one of the most advanced forms of endometriosis, the leading singer of the 80s announced that she was affected by this disease in her book A Memoirpublished in 2012.


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