these sponsorships that we snatch




Article written by

C.Motte, D.Karcher-Mourgues, JJ.Buty, V.Bouffartigue, JM.Mier, M.Cayot, C.Brunet, S. Lacombe, J. Jonas – franceinfo

France Televisions

Candidates for the presidential election only have five months to gather the necessary sponsorships.

It is a discrete battle which is played behind the scenes to obtain the 500 sponsorships for the presidential election of 2022. The contenders to the right of the right jostle on the starting line: Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Éric Zemmour, Florian Philippot, François Asselineau and Marine Le Pen. In Lorraine, Dominique Bilde, MEP National Assembly, has been traveling the territory for several weeks in search of signatures. Fewer and fewer mayors agree to give their sponsorship.

In the Paris region, Éric Zemmour’s teams, still not a candidate, contact elected officials by phone. Florian Philippot, for his part, targets as many elected officials as possible by sending a sponsorship request by post to all municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants. Michel Lepoivre, RN mayor of a village in the Orne, is very much in demand. He waits until the end of December to make up his mind. The elected will support the one who will make small towns his priority. Candidates have until March 4 to collect the 500 signatures.

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