these reunions “3 years later” which make him smile again

There are many ways to try to mourn. But it is not said that only one, in particular, can really be suitable. Nathalie Marquay, she seems to have chosen to be as active as possible not to mope and feel sorry for her fate. Indeed, on March 2, the world of television lost a great man, who will have accompanied the lunches of the French for nearly 32 years. After several months of fighting lung cancer, Jean-Pierre Pernaut left us and left “orphans” his wife Nathalie, as well as his children Lou, Tom, Julia, or Olivier.

Since then, the new life without her husband seems complicated for the ex-Miss France. As evidenced by the many sources confiding in our colleagues from Here is and alerting on the state of health of Nathalie Marquay: “After the funeral, she collapsed, she lost a lot of weight. She doesn’t know how to live without Jean-Pierre, so she goes to visit his grave as often as possible”. In addition to visiting her late husband, she wanted to get back to work right away. This greatly surprised those around her who would no doubt have preferred that she take a little more time for herself.

Reunion, “3 years later”

This Friday, May 6, she even made the decision to leave France… temporarily. Indeed, Nathalie Marquay was going to Belgium this weekend as she announced on her Instagram account: “Tomorrow I’m going to Belgium for the Télévie show, for donations for cancer research”. A program that is obviously close to his heart and which undoubtedly allowed him to remember many memories with Jean-Pierre Pernaut.

However, there was not only sadness and nostalgia in the mind of Nathalie Marquay. Tom and Lou’s mother finding a person who seems to mean a lot to her, according to the story she posted this Sunday, May 8 “The opportunity to remind everyone that cancer is not taboo and that you must be screened regularly”she recalled at first before continuing, in the caption of a snapshot in the company of a young woman: “an evening placed under the sign of emotion and hope with the happiness of seeing Nolwenn again. Cg in great shape 3 years after his illness”.

See also: Laurent Ruquier criticizes Nathalie Marquay in full live from C8!


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