These pioneers who fought to make women exist

If everyone knows the date of the baptism of Clovis, those who know on what date Marie Curie received her Nobel Prize are much less numerous. However, women also marked history and they distinguished themselves in many fields.

Over time, women have fought to exist in the eyes of society and assert their rights. Today, they can vote, pursue a career in football or tennis, work on the stock exchange or even engage in politics. This was made possible by women who did everything to claim and take their place in society.

To get to know these pioneers, Sidonie Bonnec receives Benjamin Valliet. Singer-songwriter, he publishes the book 366 dates to celebrate women published by Favre.

Louise Weiss and her fight for women’s suffrage

In France, women fought for the right to put their ballot in the ballot box. Among them there is Louise Weissa journalist, woman of letters, feminist turned politician.

In 1934, she founded the association “La femme nouvelle” whose objective is to defend women’s right to vote, and feminism more broadly. In 1935, she also presented herself in the municipal elections of Montmartre, making a lot of noise. For the occasion, she ironically transforms hat boxes into ballot boxes and obtains 18,000 votes.

After a long struggle by feminist activists, France granted women the right to vote on April 21, 1944. They expressed themselves for the first time in the voting booth, a year later, on April 29, 1945, for the municipal elections.

Louise Weiss was rewarded for his fight. In 1976, it was made Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor and becomes the third woman to receive this rank in this order.

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