these news items that inspire the authors


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

AM Revol, S. Thiebaut, G. Gheorghita, C. Ricco – France 3

France Televisions

The news items have always unleashed the gaze of the curious, but also of the authors. Faced with the success of these stories of existing criminals, the public is always there.

AT on the radio, on TV or even in the specialized press, miscellaneous have always intrigued the French. Faced with this success, best-selling novels True crime”accounts of true stories of criminals invade bookstores. “Compared to what we can see on television, there is still a literary dimension”commented a reader. Another adds: “The fact that the writer becomes an investigator, that’s what interests me!. To write their books, the authors of these novels go through the cases of criminals, their reports, question witnesses and sometimes put themselves on stage.

Four years of investigation and a story

Alice Géraud has just published Sambre, devoted to the crimes of the rapist Dino Scala which required four years of investigation. “Meeting the first victims who told me their story. I was shocked by these women who told me of their rape as if it had happened the day before when he was ten, twenty or thirty years old”says the author. VSThis is how she collected a story from the victim’s point of view.

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