Launched by the current government, certain reforms and changes launched in the field of education may not see the light of day before the start of the school year in September.
Reading time: 1 min

This period of campaign for the legislative elections puts on hold multiple reforms or projects launched by the current government, since the deputies are no longer sitting, and the ministers must respect a duty of reserve. In the field of education in particular, several projects were to be implemented at the start of the next school year, but may in fact not be able to be implemented.
First there is the reform of teacher training, with a competition, which was to be moved from bac + 5 to bac + 3 from next year. Many actors already denounced, before the dissolution, a schedule that was too tight and untenable. Now, university presidents are urging a postponement to 2025 since political arbitrations cannot be made.
Another issue at a standstill: the labeling of school textbooks, in CP and CE1. The decree has not been published, so no reading method from any publisher can be labeled for the moment, as Gabriel Attal wanted. The same goes for the new programs that were to emerge in mathematics and French for kindergarten and the beginning of elementary school.
The only measure that can actually be implemented in September: the criticized level groups in college. The official texts have in fact already been published. However, it remains to be seen whether the new government in place will repeal the project.
In this very uncertain context, the back-to-school circular is impatiently awaited by the teaching staff: it is in fact this text which traditionally provides the guideline for the year to come.