these municipalities which impose the surcharge on secondary residences


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

D.Brignand, R.Chapelard, P.Feretti – France 2

France Televisions

This is the new financial windfall for municipalities: more than 3,600 have obtained the green light to increase the housing tax on second homes. Report in Saint Cézaire-sur-Siagne, in the Alpes-Maritimes, a town of 4,000 inhabitants with 400 second homes.

The village of Saint-Cézaire-sur-Siagne (Alpes-Maritimes) has 4,000 inhabitants, including 400 second homes. From 2024, the municipality will increase the housing tax on these owners. This is the case of Philippe Baden, a retiree. He will have to pay around 300 euros more. The village, which is very touristic, has three real estate agencies. The clientele is made up of French and foreign clients.

180,000 euros more for the municipality

The mayor, Christian Zedet, and his finance assistant will propose the maximum increase of 60%. “It’s an additional resource, so they were pretty much supportive, all of them”, he confides. The municipality will gain 180,000 euros, or 5% of the total budget. “There are a lot of services that we are not providing at the moment, because we are in a phase where we are paying the bills. So that would really allow us to reach out to the population”he explains.

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