these municipalities where the official display has gone by the wayside


France 2

Article written by

R. Michelot, R. Du, P. Gauthier, M. Semerjian – France 2

France Televisions

In some municipalities, the official posting of candidates is still not in place. Especially in Corrèze.

Almost completely blank panels, two days before the presidential election, in Peyrelevade (Corrèze). The municipality has been forgotten by electoral poster campaigns, a puzzling situation for its mayor. “It’s not the fact that there are posters or no posters that will change things, but it’s a small additional drop of water. It’s a bit sad”, specifies Pierre Coutaud, mayor (DVG) of Peyrelevade. And this is not an isolated case.

In Naves, only two posters, pasted by local activists, are present. Since 2015, this mission has been the responsibility of a private company, France Publicité Plus. “The solution could be for the prefecture to grant a global grant to each town hall and they would put up the posters, for example, not the technical services on one hour of work”suggests Anne-Marie Brunerie, deputy mayor of Naves.

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