these months of harassment which pushed the mayor of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins to resign

In the commune of Loire-Atlantique, the move of a reception center for asylum seekers triggered rallies and acts of intimidation against Yannick Morez. Until he throws in the towel.

“This Tuesday, May 9, I sent the prefect of Loire-Atlantique a letter [l’]informing me of my wish to resign.” The decision of Yannick Morez, mayor of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins since 2017, triggered strong reactions in the political class. On Twitter, Emmanuel Macron spoke of attacks “unworthy” against the aedile and his family.

In this seaside resort of around 14,000 inhabitants, the relocation of a reception center for asylum seekers (Cada) has for several months aroused protest from some of the residents. Demonstrations multiplied, as well as acts of intimidation against the elected official, until an arson at his home, which weighed on his resignation. Franceinfo looks back on the events that led the husband to make this decision.

The relocation of the center rekindles tensions

The reception center for asylum seekers was created in 2016 in Saint-Brevin-les-Pins, after the dismantling of the “Calais jungle” (Pas-de-Calais). “At the time, a few Brevinois had stepped up to the plate, but things had calmed down”remembers Philippe Croze, resident of the town since 2016, and president of the Collectif des Brevinois attentive et solidaires, who regularly intervenes within the Cada. “Currently, there are 59 people housed, and the Cada has welcomed between 400 and 450 in six years”he retraces for franceinfo.

It is the move of the center, announced in October 2021, which triggers a new controversy, local residents denouncing its future location near a school. “There have been tensions and demonstrations for several months, against the center, but also in support of the mayor”testifies the socialist president of the department of Loire-Atlantique, Michel Ménard, contacted by franceinfo.

Events from autumn 2022

After the start of the construction of the new Cada, in September 2022, a collective was born, called “Préservation de l’école de la Pierre attelée”, named after the establishment near which the new premises of the center are to be located from from the end of 2023. He is launching a petition and calling for rallies in November and December. At the time, members of Reconquête and the National Rally relayed these calls. “The small collective realized that ‘it didn’t take’ within the municipality, so it quickly turned to the far right”according to Yannick Morez, interviewed in the program “Special Envoy” April 6.

A new demonstration brings together around 200 opponents of Cada on February 25, while earlier in the day, 1,000 people supporting the center had marched, according to France Blue Loire Ocean. “We called for a counter-demonstration in December and February, to show that there were not only anti-Cadas in Saint-Brevin”explains Philippe Croze.

Mayor’s home burnt down on March 22

Almost a month later, on March 22, the town woke up shocked. The mayor’s home was targeted during the night by a fire which destroyed his two cars and part of his house, in which he slept with his wife. The chosen one speaks of a According to the chosen one, a jet of Molotov cocktail is at the origin of the fire. A criminal investigation is opened by the Saint-Nazaire prosecutor’s office.

Yannick Morez had already received “despicable tracts” in his mailbox. “They wanted to intimidate me by showing me that they knew where I lived”he tells “Special Envoy”. Contacted by him, the gendarmerie would not, according to him, have “Nothing” fact about the leaflets, invoking “freedom of speech”. “The state imposes Cadas on mayors, but behind it, it’s up to the mayors to manage”continues the mayor who says he feels “abandoned”.

For the president of the Loire-Atlantique department, Michel Ménard, “the far right bears a responsibility” in the attacks suffered for several months by the mayor of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins. “These parties disseminate hate speech which reinforces the feeling of impunity for racists”deplores the chosen one.

Resign and leave town to “find serenity”

After the fire of March 22, the tension does not fall. Between 150 and 200 opponents of the center marched again in front of the town hall on April 29, when a large force of 350 police and gendarmes was deployed, reports West France (article for subscribers), especially to control counter-protesters. The mayor had asked the prefect to ban this gathering, in vain, he testifies on his Facebook page.

A few days before the resignation of Yannick Morez, “an excited person came to insult the mayor on the terrace of a café”, relates Philippe Croze. For him, “the fire broke the camel’s back” and made him quit. “He faced family pressure, because they almost went through”he adds.

“He told me it was getting too hard on his family, wife and children”confirms Michel Ménard, who telephoned this Thursday morning to Yannick Morez. “To regain serenity, he says he has no other choice than to resign, leave his city, and stop practicing as a general practitioner. I can only regret the inability of the public authorities to protect elected officials, and the democracy, in relation to the actions of the extreme right”.

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