These mistresses who tried to eclipse her… these betrayals of Prince Philip that she will never forget!

At 96, Elizabeth II continues to fascinate the world over. But in recent months, the famous monarch has chained health problems. This Thursday, September 8, 2022, Buckingham Palace released a statement that worried many of its subjects. The doctors of the latter say to themselves “concerned” by his state of health.

Isolated in his castle of Balmoral in Scotland, his son prince Charles and his wife Camilla Parker Bowler would be at his side in this delicate period. “Following a further assessment this morning, the Queen’s doctors are concerned for Her Majesty’s health and have recommended that she remains under medical supervision. The Queen continues to feel comfortable and at Balmoral,” we learn.

“The whole country will be concerned about the news from Buckingham…”

“The whole country will be concerned about the news from Buckingham this afternoon”, said Liz Truss, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. “ My thoughts and those of people across the UK are with Her Majesty The Queen and her family.” The past year has not been easy for Elizabeth II. The sudden disappearance of Prince Philip has shaken the entire Windsor clan. Throughout this marriage, the duo never let go. However, Diana Spencer’s ex-stepfather would have been an inveterate seducer during his lifetime.

In 1997, Elizabeth II let go during a speech in honor of their 50 years of marriage: “There have been storms, but this is my rock”. In the fiction “The Crown”, the film crews highlighted his charisma which left no one indifferent. With women, he was clearly popular. Among his supposed mistresses, there are icons of the 7th art. Like Zsa Zsa Gabor, Shirley Maclaine or Merle Oberon as specified Pure people.

The author Daphne du Maurier would also have been part of his hunting board. But also one of her cousins, the Duchess of Abercorn! Idylls that would have ulcerated at the highest point Elizabeth II. But wanting to look good, she would never have made scandals to her late husband. But the queen would have retained a stubborn grudge against her rivals.


to see also: Elizabeth II: one of her guards behaved inappropriately, the video goes viral on TikTok!

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