these millions of euros that we did not suspect!

Over the years, Stéphane Plaza has built a veritable empire. On January 11, our colleagues from West France highlighted its business focused on its real estate agencies. The latest news, M6 would have invested nearly 2.5 million euros to become its majority shareholder. But let the host’s fans be reassured, Stéphane Plaza is not about to go bankrupt. Owning a quarter of the shares of his company, the acolyte of Karine Le Marchand would touch millions. Still according to our colleagues, the Stéphane Plaza Immobilier group brought in 6 million euros for a substantial turnover of 16.5 million. Numbers that make you dizzy! Crisis ? Stéphane Plaza does not know her!

As a reminder, in six years, 660 real estate agencies have been created. Next goal? Exceed the 800 mark in the years to come. In addition, some could be installed in cities with less than 15,000 inhabitants. All in all, a nice project. Success in his business is not really a surprise. Stéphane Plaza knew how to popularize his name and make it profitable with brilliance. His appearances on television have also contributed to his success. For example, the famous presenter conquered the crowds with “Looking for apartment and house” or even “Apartment hunters”. There is no doubt that the star will continue to amaze her admirers with her next projects!

It was in 2015 that Stéphane Plaza, supported by Bernard Augier de Crémiers and Patrick-Michel Khider de Lusigny, launched his company. The first year is quite flourishing for the trio. Indeed, turnover amounted to 1.9 million euros before rising to 14.9 million euros in 2019. At the time, the favorite animator of the French was a shareholder at 25, 5% of his business. As our colleagues have pointed out, he received 5 million in dividends paid. As for the benefits, nothing to complain about! There would have been a nice increase of 69%. Very secret about his fortune, we let you imagine what he has in his bank account…


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