“These measures are targeted and relevant”, rejoices the deputy president of Medef

Patrick Martin notes, however, that companies will continue to grow this year and asks for “clarifications on the conditions for aid for the additional costs caused by the increase in energy expenditure.

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Patrick Martin, deputy president of Medef, reacts on Thursday March 17 on franceinfo to the measures of the resilience plan announced by Prime Minister Jean Castex the day before to cope with the economic consequences of the conflict in Ukrainenamely, among other things, the assumption of half of the energy expenses of the companies whose gas and electricity expenses represent “at least 3% of turnover” and the discount at the pump of 15 centimes per liter of fuel extended to vehicle natural gas (NGV) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The Deputy Chairman of Medef qualifies these measures as “vsible and relevant”. “It seems well sized to us” even if “there are still some adjustments to be made”according to him.

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The extension of the discount of 15 centimes per liter of fuel to carriers “is a good measure”, he estimates, his own company having paid in 2021 30 million euros in transport costs. As for the aid promised in the face of rising energy costs, with partial coverage of these additional costs for companies that consume a lot of energy, “it’s a little complicated”recognizes Patrick Martin, because “companies will have to be in losses in 2022 and we will not know these results until the first quarter of 2023”. The Deputy Chairman of Medef therefore asks, faced with this “chisel effect”, “clarification” on this point, although the plan “was co-developed” with the social partners.

“The whole economy is not in great difficulty. We will continue to grow this year. We cannot have targeted measures that are not, by definition, a little complex.”

Patrick Martin, Deputy Chairman of Medef

at franceinfo

The Deputy Chairman of Medef also believes that there is “already a lot of salary increases”. “We must not give in to panic. Inflation in France is the lowest in Europe, partly thanks to the measures taken by the government, and we do not know what will happen in the coming months”he concludes.

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