The black rat and the brown rat, also called brown rat, are pests that live both in the countryside and in the cities.
DKM Experts has settled in geographical areas particularly prone to the presence of these pests (Lyon, Marseille, Nice, Belfort, Mulhouse, Strasbourg, Metz, Lille, Nancy, Toulon…)
Followers of attics, sewers, food reserves, the black rat and the Norway rat are difficult to dislodge, as they fiercely defend their territory and bites are not uncommon.
The roof rat and the Norway rat are harmful because they attack all forms of human food, as well as material such as electrical cables, wooden furniture or paper.
The black rat and the Norway rat are also vectors of insalubrity and carriers of many infectious diseases such as salmonellosis, sodoku or rabies: they contaminate everything they touch.
– Luke Carrascosa
- Wasps and hornets are part of the Hymenoptera family and there is an increased presence of these pests from the month of April when the summer periods lengthen and the temperatures become milder.
- With global warming and the lengthening of heat periods in our country, all the conditions are met to see these insects proliferate.
- .ATTENTION, wasps and hornets have the particularity of stinging when they feel attacked. The term hornet, like the term wasp, are vernacular names which designate a set of species, Vespula or Vespa.
- This family mainly characterizes flying insects, living in colonies in hives and equipped with a stinger and venom to defend themselves.
- In France and Europe, with regard to wasps, we essentially find Vespula vulgaris and Vespula Germanica, the translations of which can be “common wasp” and “Germanic wasp”. Regarding hornets, there is historically the European hornet Vespa Crabro and since 2004 the massive arrival of the Asian Vespa Velutina hornets:
We find the nests of wasps and hornets:
- In the ground
- shutter boxes
- the roof the attic
- under the tiles
- in the walls
- chimneys
- in the trees or in the stump
- under the terrace.
And in any pleasant place for nesting and safe from their predators!
I identify a Nest – what should I do?As soon as you identify a hive, do not try to approach it or try to identify whether it is wasps, European hornets, Asian hornets… Adopt these three reflexes:
- – Determine a security perimeter around the area
- – Prevent anyone from entering this perimeter
- – Contact DKM Experts for a nest destruction and disinsectization intervention.
DKM Experts is committed to protecting you from bed bugs
This insect is hematophagous and therefore feeds exclusively on blood.
The bed bug feeds on all the blood at its disposal, that of adult humans, children and infants and animal blood.
The sting is painless, but follows the appearance of a red pimple followed by itching.
For the most fragile people, a bedbug bite can cause allergic shock and/or infection, which requires special treatment.
And when it comes to bites, bedbugs are voracious and can each bite up to 10 times a night! Did you get bitten?
Small in size – big in damage
The bed bug is a rather discreet insect with its size of a few millimeters and its nocturnal activity.
It is therefore very difficult, if not impossible, for an untrained person to flush out bed bugs from their hiding places.
Especially since the animal has become an expert in hide-and-seek games.
Indeed, while bed bugs are often found in bedding and sofas, it is not uncommon to dislodge them in furniture, carpets, tapestries and light fixtures.
If you take too long to call on a professional like DKM Experts, you will be forced to throw away all the items contaminated by bedbugs (bed bases, beds, furniture, etc.).
Presence of bedbugs- 4 Tips to detect it:
1. Locate individuals: it is very difficult to flush them out, but if by chance you identify small brown insects that are in groups.
Even if you were able to kill some, others are most certainly hiding elsewhere.
2. Spot bloodstains on your mattress: bedbugs bite you at night and disappear when you wake up, leaving bloodstains in their path.
3. Droppings and smell: if you identify small brown stains on your mattress, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, then you are certainly dealing with droppings from these insects.
4. Presence of multiple bites on your skin: the infestation is already serious, don’t wait any longer to call DKM Experts.
– Luke Carrascosa