Mediterranean research.
“We are at Corte 8 students or researchers from Lebanon, personally I did my engineering course at the Lebanese University then my doctorate with Aix-Marseille and I arrived in Corsica as a researcher. We have exchanges with the universities of Lebanon, we have just created a working group on the problem of fires in close collaboration also with researchers from Toulon and Aix-Marseille. Corsica looks a lot like Lebanon, landscapes, nature, culture and even the way of thinking to my senses.
– Saturday 2a.
“Corsica welcomes me, I thank her.”
Apart from my university work I got involved as a volunteer firefighter here with a forest fire commando group within the SDIS 2A. This engagement corresponds to my studies and my research with the GOLIAT project, I am grateful to France and Corsica for giving me the opportunity to study and live here. ”