These jobs that recruit: digital jobs

What are the jobs that will recruit the most in the years to come? For two weeks, we review the sectors that are on the rise. Thursday, the digital professions, with engineers and technicians that all companies are looking for.

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Computer engineer, computer technician are among the professions identified by France Strategy, an analysis body attached to the Prime Minister, the successor to the Planning Commission, as being the most featured for the years to come. Even if they represent only 3% of people in employment, they are among the professions most in tension, those for which recruitment is the most difficult. “The engineering profession is one of the ten most sought-after professions in France today”, says Jean Flamand, expert at France Stratégie. Recruitment plans are very high. They have doubled since 2013. And the movement is not about to stop.

“The digitization of the economy has already started for years, but it will increase.”

Jean Flamand

to franceinfo

Very urban professions, and for many located in the west of France, where there are many headquarters of digital services companies, even if the needs are glaring throughout the territory. Engineers are recruited at master’s level, with attractive salaries which easily rise to 4,500 euros net.

These trades are hardly threatened by automation and robotization, at least for the most qualified positions. On the other hand, all the trades which are related to the computer assistance to the users will be competed with the chatbots, the digital assistants. We train a lot of engineers and computer technicians in France, but still not enough in relation to the needs. And women are still very little present in these professions: no more than 18% of the workforce.

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