these health concerns that worry him to the highest degree!

To this day, Nagui remains one of the favorite animators of the French. On a daily basis in parallel with the radio, the main interested party is illustrated on France 2. At 61, the husband of Mélanie Page has no intention of retiring. At least not for the moment. He’s a hard worker like Michel Drucker! “ If you want me to say that one day I will be sitting on a sofa with a dog next to me, I answer you right away, it will be ‘no’”, dropped the famous producer on the airwaves of France Info.

However, Nagui has sworn to slow down in the years to come. “I can even tell you, I kind of have the idea of ​​the date – I won’t give it to you. But I kind of have the idea of ​​the date, because a while ago, first, Carpe Diem too”he added. “I kind of want to have moments of leisure and relaxation. But other dads will tell you that as long as you have school-aged kids, you’re still working-age and setting an example to work for. in life and not bask”.

Brazil in concern

Like thousands of French people, Nagui is keen on sport. He is also a fan of the French football team. But for several days, the state of health of a legend in the field worries him enormously. And this is the former sportsman Pelé. Since November, the ex-football star has been hospitalized due to his colon cancer which asks “ more important care » to “treating kidney and heart failure” as indicated The Parisian.

In Brazil, his country of origin, the media and his fans are preparing for the worst. On the Web, his relatives try to reassure his admirers as best they can. This Tuesday, December 27, 2022, Nagui wanted to honor Pelé, who celebrated his 82nd candle last October. Thus, he posted on Instagram a rare black and white snapshot of their meeting: “My deepest thoughts at this time are for the most elegant and kindest of the greatest footballers.” A beautiful publication that moved many of his followers…


to see also: Florent Pagny sick: Faced with Nagui, the singer shares barely believable news!

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