these executives of the PS who oppose the union with La France insoumise


France 3

Article written by

H. Capelli, France 3 Brest, France 3 Lyon, France 3 Metz, S. Ripaud – France 3

France Televisions

Discussions are stalling between LFI and the PS, Tuesday, May 3. On the ground, party members are fighting back. 1,000 local and national executives have signed a letter in which they denounce a surrender.

The Socialist Party (PS) has still not joined the coalition on the left in view of the legislative elections, at the start of the evening, Tuesday May 3rd. “I hope that by the end of the day, in any case it is the deadline that we have set, we will be able to succeed”, comments Manuel Bompard, MEP for La France insoumise (LFI). If the Socialists are struggling to conclude, it is primarily because on the ground, some dispute. “If we let it happen, we will lose socialist strongholds, where we are well represented locally”believes an activist, in Brest (Finistère).

The mayor of Vaulx-en-Velin (Rhône), Hélène Geoffroy, is asking for the agreement of the activists. The PS and LFI have differences on Europe and Russia. If Michaël Weber, first secretary of the Moselle PS federation, thinks “favorable to the union”he considers to be “trapped”. In the evening, the former Prime Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, threatened to leave the party in the event of an agreement. A little after 7 p.m., discussions are still ongoing.

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