these demonstrations “never served any purpose”, regret these French people who live in Israel

The mobilization, which brought together 182,000 people on Sunday in France, does not make the headlines in Israel. The French people who live there confide their feelings, divided between indifference and disappointment.


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Aerial view of Har'Homa, in the southern part of East Jerusalem.  (MENAHEM KAHANA / AFP)

In the streets of Har’Homa, a Jerusalem colony founded more than 30 years ago, few French residents have heard of the march against anti-Semitism which took place on Sunday November 12 in France. It must be said that no major media here put this event on the front page.

Yehuda, the cook, pays no attention to it: “In fact, the truth, I don’t care what happens in France, he says. They can say what they want, we live our lives.”

“Anyway, whatever we do, the world will always be against us.”

Yehuda, a Frenchman from Israel

at franceinfo

Same indifference at the supermarket next door, Sarah, the cashier, arrived in Israel seven years ago: “They were never of any use. There were plenty of demonstrations after Mohamed Merah, huge ones throughout France. Did it serve any purpose? No. It’s politics“.

Conversely Micha, a young trader from Savoy, welcomes this desire for national unity, but he would have hoped for even more. “What I found a little disappointing is that Emmanuel Macron, our president, does not want to come so as not to show certain things and I find that it is a big mistake. I find that it should be more clear: that it is a march against hatred of the Jew”. As for the presence of Marine Le Pen in the procession, she “surely also serves personal political interests“, observes Micha, “but I think it’s very good.” Micha is now afraid of returning to France. If he returns, it will be without wearing his yarmulke.

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