these Corsicans who spend Christmas far from their island

Destination islands

There are not a thousand and a hundred, taking into account the health situation, many requests for travel plans were unsuccessful. What “reflects a desire to travel“according to a travel consultant from an Ajaccio travel agency.

“Many travel plans did not come to fruition”

Because because of the epidemic resumption in certain areas of the globe, many destinations remain inaccessible. Especially the countries of Southeast Asia, Thailand, China and Japan in the lead. But destinations like the islands of the Indian Ocean or America are on the rise. For example, there is a high demand for Dubai unlike other years. At this time of year it is rather Thailand which is acclaimed“, explains Marion Matteaccioli.

“A desire to travel”

“There are necessarily more travel plans than for Christmas 2020”, she continues. Last December, the situation was different due to containment and many destinations remained closed. The bigger departures are expected after winter 2022, for the months of March and April, with fine weather.

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