These changes that will revolutionize the beauty contest!

A breath of fresh air is blowing on Miss France! Indeed, several new features appear in the rules of the beauty contest! Wishing to move forward with the times, the committee decided to evolve… enough to please its detractors. As mentioned in the account instagram, MissFrance_offthere is “no longer a maximum age limit to participate (previously 24 years maximum) and this, from this year. For example, Victoria Chauchard is 28 years old and presented herself in the Miss Hauts de Seine 2022. The latter could cross on her way (for the Miss Île-de-France election, editor’s note) a certain Andrea Furet, who is the first transgender candidate.She is in the running for the Miss Paris 2022 contest. of the winner will also be known on June 19 at the Lido.

No need to be single in the civil status, because now married candidates and mothers are accepted! The Miss Alsace committee has in its ranks the first mother and married candidate in the person of Victoire Rousselot.

Tattoos are allowed… as long as they do not represent “religious, political, racist, sexist, or morally reprehensible signs” (previously the tattoo had to measure at most the size of a coin). The only rule that has not changed concerns the size. You have to be at least 1m70.

A 2023 edition expected in Châteauroux

The one who will succeed Diane Leyre in December 2022 will be crowned at the Mach36 (a room that can accommodate up to 3,500 spectators, editor’s note) in Châteauroux, where Maëva Coucke had worn the scarf of Miss France in 2017. “We are delighted to be welcomed to the city of Châteauroux for the Miss France 2023 election”declares Sylvie Tellier, in a press release relayed by TV Magazine. “Five years ago, the city allowed us to experience a highlight with the crowning of Maëva Coucke, Miss France 2018. I thank Gil Avérous, Mayor of Châteauroux, for his renewed confidence and, in advance, that of the Castelroussins for their warm welcome.”

And before this great ceremony, the candidates will make the traditional preparation trip to Guadeloupe.

See also: What professions do the last Miss France now practice?

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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