These car washes that escape restrictions by recycling their wastewater



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Almost the entire country is now affected by measures restricting the use of water. Among them, the ban on washing your vehicle, at home and in car washes. Except, in those who have opted for a wastewater recycling system. Stations that are currently filling up. #TheyHaveTheSolution

The drought worsened further during the month of August and the recent rains are unable to reverse the trend for the time being. According to the latest figures from the Propluvia site of the Ministry of Ecology, 78 departments are now placed, partially or totally, at the highest “crisis” level. But in all, 95 departments are affected by prefectural measures that restrict the use of water. In the most affected areas, washing your car is strictly prohibited. Offenders are liable to a fine of 1500 euros.

Washing stations, rollers or high-pressure, simply had to cease their activity. In case of violation, for them, the fine can go up to 7500 euros. And then there are those which have a device for recycling waste water and which they can continue to turn. “All washing water is collected in grids under the car and is then directed to underground tanks“, explains Gaël Le Clainche, project manager in this “virtuous” resort of Thiers in Puy-de-Dôme. The water is then filtered several times and reinjected into the internal network to be used for the next wash. The company ensures use 95% recycled water and also recover rainwater.

These closed-circuit washing stations could become the norm in the coming years in the face of these increasingly intense drought episodes. In the meantime, the owners of these stations who have invested in the recycling of wastewater can rub their hands, their establishments are always full, some motorists not hesitating to drive tens of kilometers to be able to wash their vehicle.

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