After the failure of negotiations between social partners, the government regains control over future rules for compensation for job seekers.
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Towards a new turn of the screw for job seekers? It will now be up to the government to decide. The Ministry of Labor announced, Monday April 22, a takeover of future compensation rules by the executive. A decree must be issued by July 1. Decision taken after the failure of negotiations between social partners two weeks ago, particularly on the employment of seniors.
The Ministry of Labor assures that the page is blank, that nothing has been done and that Catherine Vautrin will consult the social partners before deciding anything, perhaps as early as this very week.
400 million euros in savings
But the ministry does not exclude that, for example, the age from which an unemployed person receives longer compensation could be pushed back by two years, to follow the pension reform. That age is now 53. This would save Unedic 440 million euros
Prime Minister Gabriel Attal has already made it known that he is in favor of changing the conditions of affiliation. Today, you must have worked six months in the last 24 months to start receiving compensation. It could therefore be more than six months or the same duration but in a shorter period of time, 12 months for example.