These associations that teach English at a lower cost

This is all the more topical as the current Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye declared a few days ago that the level of English of our college students was “not satisfactory”…

When we look at the rankings, in fact… we are in France in 31st place among the countries that speak the best English in the world, there we can say to ourselves that it’s not so bad… but when we look in Europe we are 24th out of 35 …it’s already worse. That said, the 3 regions where English is spoken the best in France are Occitanie, Pays de la Loire and Ile-de-France….

Train or retrain in English and at a lower cost

If you are comfortable with the idea of ​​learning online, take a look at the site of the British Council France, an association which offers audio extracts, texts, videos and more than 2000 interactive exercises. It is a good base totally free.

If you prefer face-to-face, you can turn to associations in the field…I found the Passerelle association in Gironde, for example, it will cost you an annual membership of 32 euros for a weekly course… In Balma, we stay in Occitanie…I found the ECPA as “Listening, understanding and speaking English” to learn how to manage while traveling… 290 euros per year.

Same spirit in Lons (Pyrénées Atlantique) the association “Lons Accueil” which asks for 75 euros for a’s already a little more expensive but far from the standards…and these are conversation classes that are offered to you, so to learn an English to use in everyday life..

In Paris also an association offers many English courses and for all levels

The Pilotechnique Association in the 5th arrondissement, with courses on very specific topics such as written or oral expression, phonetics, conversation…and there too attractive prices: 30 to 50 euros per year. Only problem: there is not much room in the courses which are weekly.

Anyway: look around you if an association is not engaged on this subject of language learning, English or another language for that matter. One last for the road: in Toulouse, the PARLE association offers free lessons and an annual membership at 50 euros!

Do you know a way to save money, or earn more money? Contact Valère Corréard.

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