These apps that have changed our lives. The NutriVize nutrition app

Every day this summer, you are presented with an application that has changed your lives or your habits. An app you may have used: a nutrition app. Lose weight, eat better, the slimming objective, applications with magic formulas are recipes before and during the summer. How to sort, what to believe, which one to choose?

No offense to the diktat of the “summer body”, what matters is to eat better: more balanced, without abuse or excess, of everything, but in the right proportions. Among food rebalancing applications, Nutrivize offers a slightly different approach. Launched in May 2023, by Alexandre Chombeau, the principle is to be accompanied daily by a dietician.

“You can contact her anywhere. If you go on vacation, you are still in contact with your dietitian, explains Alexandre Chombeau. You write at all hours of the day and night. You have your dietitian in your pocket, you will be able, in your messaging space, a bit like on WhatsApp, to tell you ‘Here, listen, I eat a lot of fast food and I don’t want to spend overnight to eat oatmeal all day. Because that’s a bit of what women’s magazines promise. Drastically change your diet. We think it’s not going to work. So we advocate a balanced diet, an evolution, a transition that will take place over time.

count calories

A global approach which has a cost, 99 euros per month, the first month. Health, and in particular food health, is also an expensive business that involves risks. Especially if you opt for an app that aims to count your calories every day. The risk is to develop eating disorders, warns Alexandra Retion, she is a nutritionist and dietician in Paris.

“If you’re on an app, you’re going to be constantly watching what you’re eating. You have in mind that such a food is forbidden and so you don’t eat it anymore. And the day you’re going to have the opportunity to “eat it, you’ll eat it in larger quantities. And that’s the little eating disorder. And indeed, in the extreme, we can end up with bulimic or anorexia behaviors”explains the nutritionist.

To avoid getting there, some advice is good to remember: ” No frustration. In fact, you must not manage to have suffering in connection with the plate. The goal is still to eat with pleasure. But let it be good for his health, without constraint.”, reassures Alexandra Retion. And don’t forget to exercise regularly.

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