The Confederation of Crafts and Small Building Companies asks future deputies to “listen carefully” to businesses, Friday June 14, after the economic proposals of the New Popular Front for the legislative elections.
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“We will surely have, in an economic context in the building sector which is in decline, difficulties in being able to continue to provide the workforce and the construction sites which will allow us to provide customer service”reacted on franceinfo, Friday June 14, Jean-Christophe Repon, president of Capeb (Confederation of crafts and small construction companies), about the economic program of the New Popular Front for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.
Among the immediate proposals, there is a large social component, with the blocking of prices “on basic necessities in food, energy and fuels”. The New Popular Front intends “immediately repeal the implementing decrees” of pension reform and unemployment insurance, increase the minimum wage to 1,600 euros net and the index point for civil servants by 10%, a floor price for farmers, a 10% increase in APL, a recovery the construction of social housing, the creation of places in emergency accommodation. “These announcements are a bit dogmatic”regrets Capeb.
“We are apolitical at Capeb and we will make proposals from the start of the week on how small-scale craft businesses must be taken into account by future deputies, the future majority, as an essential element of society”says the president of Capeb. “We are looking for skills, looking for recruitment, the bosses of the companies I represent will wonder about the future of their company, will I recruit or will I downsize?”warns Jean-Christophe Repon.
“It’s a fairly complex moment, quite crucial for the economy of our companies, we ask future deputies to listen carefully to our companies”
Jean-Christophe Reponat franceinfo
According to Capeb, “we are already in the territories on salaries with recruitment difficulties, the labor market means that salaries are rather increased in construction companies. We are having more difficulty recruiting currently. Companies are already competing with each other and salaries are rather well above the minimum scales. The problem is more about recruitment than about salaries in small construction companies.specifies Capeb.