These 3 designer bags have never been publicly seen on her.

Queen Máxima of the Netherlands is known for her stylish handbags, often opting for simple, angular designs from Wandler or Sophie Habsburg. Despite her extensive collection of over 200 bags, she frequently uses three luxurious models from Chanel, Dior, and Goyard only in private. Observations reveal that she typically replaces larger totes with smaller clutches for public appearances, echoing a fashion trend among other royal figures to maintain elegance while ensuring practicality in their accessories.

Handbags are as integral to Queen Máxima’s wardrobe as her striking necklaces and vibrant dresses. The 53-year-old Queen of the Netherlands is rarely seen at public events without a handbag, which typically feature clean lines and are crafted from luxurious leather, often from brands like Wandler or Sophie Habsburg. It’s rumored that she possesses over 200 bags, showcasing her passion for accessories throughout her royal journey. However, there are three particular models that she seems to reserve for private occasions only.

Discovering Queen Máxima’s Hidden Designer Bags

Many women can relate to having a handbag that holds special significance, whether it’s a well-loved classic from Chanel or a striking piece from Dior or Goyard. Interestingly, these three luxury brands appear to be among Máxima’s favorites, yet she tends to keep them under wraps. A glimpse into her private life was captured recently when she arrived at the ‘Werkstation op Zuid’ in Rotterdam in September 2024, radiating joy while holding a dark blue Marni flap bag that perfectly matched her blue trousers. However, a closer look inside her vehicle revealed a light pink Chanel Deauville tote subtly waiting in the background.

The Unveiling of Máxima’s Luxurious Yet Discreet Handbags

It’s clear that Máxima embraces a clever strategy when it comes to her purse collection. At various appointments, she often steps out of the car with a concealed luxury bag that remains largely unnoticed. For instance, during the National Conference on the Circular Economy held in Nijmegen in March 2024, she was spotted with a glamorous golden suede clutch, alongside a personalized Dior book tote featuring a floral and Balinese Endek design, which she kept hidden in her vehicle.

Additionally, images from the ‘High-Level Workshop on the Financial Inclusion of Forcibly Displaced Persons’ suggest that she also utilizes a Goyard Artois tote bag, although she chose to debut a smaller clutch instead.

Is Size an Issue? Máxima’s Fashion Philosophy

A recurring theme in Máxima’s fashion choices is her inclination to swap larger bags for more compact options. Observing her appearances, it becomes apparent that when she arrives with a sizable shopper, she later transitions to a more petite handbag or clutch. This trend suggests that she may find large totes unsuitable for her royal engagements, preferring something more refined. Interestingly, this approach is also mirrored by other royals, such as Queen Letizia and Catherine, Princess of Wales, who similarly favor smaller bags over bulky totes. Nonetheless, Máxima demonstrates that even royals prepare diligently for their commitments, skillfully accommodating essentials like phones, wallets, and other personal items without sacrificing style. After all, giving up a luxurious bag simply due to its size isn’t just her dilemma; many can resonate with that sentiment!
