Video length: 3 mins.
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There are more and more thermal renovations, but it is not easy to know the help and tips to which you are entitled. In Paris, the “Coach Copro” platform, which provides advice to condominiums, is seeing its requests explode.
It’s a meeting they’ve been waiting for impatiently. Two co-owners launched an energy renovation project for their building. Technicians list all possible work, parts municipalities to the apartments. With future work, they hope to give a second life to their building. “We do not necessarily know the work to be done”, explains Muriel Lecornumone of the two owners. The audit was advised by an advisorera of the public system “Coach Copro”, which accompanies them at each stage of their project, such as for the choice of companies or the request for subsidies.
A success
“Copro Coach”, a national aid platform, is becoming more and more successful. AT Parisabout twenty advisers support the owners. Ihe number of registrations has increased fivefold. 300 gcproperties have been renovated in Paris, as a building rehabilitated in 2018, of which theare facades have been isolatedes and windows changed. The work cost 2.5 million euros, 400,000 of which was paid for by the town hall of Paris. The project lasted five years, and the co-owners do not regret having been accompanied during all this time.