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In order to obtain a better energy classification, some co-owners wish to carry out work in their accommodation. But for this, it is often necessary to ensure that the condominium as a whole validates the renovation project.
Virginie Roux bought an apartment on the fourth floor of a residence in Miribel (Ain), built in 1965, three years ago. She decided to insulate it to save energy. Thanks to its work, it saves 40% on its gas bill and gains three degrees of freshness in summer. But despite his efforts, his building remains rated E, one of the worst ratings. This would penalize it in the event of resale or rental. “What is needed is that at the level of the condominium, the entire roof of the building is insulated so that we really gain energy”, she explains. But for that she needs “all the co-owners vote for the resolution” at the general meeting.
Some co-owners are not in favor of it. “We have just bought an apartment, we have a little girl, so it costs extra. We also have two credits for cars, so it would be complicated to be able to take out another credit in order to be able to carry out these energy works. “, explains Pauline Wuillemin, co-owner. The building next door was completely renovated five years ago, the owners embarking on a global energy renovation accompanied by an independent expert. He presents his results at the annual general meeting of co-ownership and tries to convince the other owners to also embark on energy renovation. Some of his arguments convinced owners, including Pauline Wuillemin, who “didn’t think there were so many helpers”. The renovated building has gone from an E to B energy rating, a rating that is increasingly coveted by buyers and tenants.