“There will only be plastic left”: Jessica Thivenin transformed, she lists all her operations

More than seven years ago, Jessica Thivenin made her arrival in the world of reality TV. And, at the time, the star candidate of Marseilles was physically very different. Indeed, over the years, she succumbed to the call of the scalpel many times. Some believe today that she probably abused it, but for the mother of two children (Maylone, 2 and a half years old and Leewane, soon to be 1 year old), everything has always been under control and her operations carried out according to her wishes. “I feel good. I did a lot of operations. Yes, it’s true, I had plastic surgery. I assume it, I never hid it“, she confided during an interview for Here is.fr.

Her attraction to cosmetic surgery goes back many years, to a time when she could not yet afford to pay for an operation. It is thanks to reality TV that she was able to afford a first size change. “The first operation I did was on my breasts. I had no breasts, I was all flat. I was tall and thin, an ironing board. Yes, I had a complex and I didn’t have the money beforehand to do it. When I did my first reality TV and I won my little money, obviously I wanted to remove this complex. I did it and I don’t regret“, she explains.

The wife of Thibault Garcia then listed the rest of the physical transformations that followed. And there are many ! “I redid everything, from head to toe ! No, I stopped at the knees… It’s not true!“, she laughed. More seriously, Jessica Thivenin recalled that she had received injections of botulinum acid along the jaw, on the cheekbones and lips and also had rhinoplasty.I have one implant in the chin, two in the buttocks, two in the breasts“, she also underlined, ironically on the situation: “As much to tell you that the day when I will no longer be on this Earth, only plastic will remain“.

The 31-year-old woman prefers to show a lot of self-mockery. A force which undoubtedly helps him to protect himself from criticism. “It’s not serious ! I recognize myself, that’s the main thing. My husband too, my family too. The only thing is that at some point, you have to change the disc! It’s in all the photos, all the comments. It’s good, we get it: no one recognizes me anymore! Let’s move on to something else ! Whatever happens, I’m not going to change yet and get back to how I was before to please. Whether they recognize me or not, I remain me“.

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