Maëlle is leaving for Paris to join her family for the holidays. To reassure herself, this Valentinoise chose the self-test, but it was impossible to find one. “I have just made several pharmacies in Valencia and there are nowhere”, she said empty-handed. For several days, the pharmacies have run out of stock and suppliers fail to meet demand.
Sophie is in the same case. “I just went through three pharmacies and each time, there is no self-test. It’s important because I’m going to see my parents, that’s why I’m going to be tested”, explains this young woman. “There will be New Years Eve and then New Years. It’s reassuring to have that guarantee”, continues Maëlle, in search of a box of self-tests.
– Bastien Thomas
“It’s import”, answers Thierry Cabayé, pharmacist in Valence. “I have suppliers who tell me that their trucks are blocked at customs and others who have the tests but who have trouble satisfying everyone. You have to be patient, it will happen. We have it. promised for Wednesday or Thursday “, he ends, a few days before Christmas.
You have to be reasonable and not stockpile – Gilles Bonnefond, spokesperson for the union of dispensing pharmacists’ unions.
“We have supply tensions but this is not the total shortage. And then if we have any doubts, we can be tested with antigenic tests or PCR. It must be understood that these self-tests are an over-assurance “, explains Gilles Bonnefond, spokesperson for the union of dispensing pharmacists’ unions and retired pharmacist.