“There will be obviously massive financial support”, promises Gabriel Attal

The government spokesperson indicates that a meeting is taking place on Tuesday with professionals in the sector and the ministers concerned.

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“There will be obviously massive financial support in the face of this closure” nightclubs for four weeks, promised Gabriel Attal, government spokesman, Tuesday, December 7 on France Inter.

An appointment is already made on Tuesday. It is provided “at midday with the ministers of Bercy, Bruno Le Maire, Alain Griset, precisely to discuss with their representatives so that there is support”, he clarified.

The nightclub bosses are angry. Gabriel Attal said “understand the disappointment”. Nearly 1,200 nightclubs in France which will have to close. “Responsibly, we made this decision”, underlined the spokesperson of the government, while specifying that other European countries took the same decision whereas they are also confronted with a fifth wave.

In nightclubs, “We know that there is much more risk of contamination. The latest ComCor study from the Institut Pasteur shows that for two people, one having gone to a disco, the other not having gone to one, there is is eight times more likely to contract the virus “, he explained.

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