“There will be no withdrawal from his position as chairman of the finance committee,” said Mathilde Panot, head of the LFI group in the Assembly.



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Sophie Tissier, a former close friend of the Left Party and ex-figure of “yellow vests”, filed a complaint in early July against Eric Coquerel, denouncing facts “may be similar to sexual assault” dating from the summer of 2014.

“There will be no withdrawal of Éric Coquerel because there is no new element”assured Monday July 18 on franceinfo the president of the group La France insoumise at the National Assembly Mathilde Panot, about the investigation for harassment and sexual assault which targets the president LFI of the finance committee of the National Assembly Eric Coquerel.

“It was logical that from the moment a complaint was filed, the opening of an investigation logically followed this complaint. There is no new element. When I hear his accuser Sophie Tissier, I do not hear not enough to call for a resignation.”

Mathilde Panot

at franceinfo

“Things are regularly said, especially on social networks, where the facts are completely amplified, distorted. I think we have to come to terms with this issue”finished Mathilde Panot.

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