“The government proposes to resume the text as it had been discussed and amended by the Senate Law Commission,” explained the Minister of the Interior on Friday in an interview with Le Figaro.
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Another turnaround. The government finally decided not to present a new version of its immigration bill in July but to rely on its text already on the Senate desk for a review after the senatorial elections, announced Gérald Darmanin.
In an interview with Le Figaro posted online Friday evening, the Minister of the Interior ruled out the possibility that the government would present a new text in July, as had been envisaged. As he was asked where he was from “the draft of a new text” to accommodate LR’s requirements, he replied: In“I discussed this subject with the president [du Sénat Gérard] The Archer”.
Executive concern
The Senate’s examination of Gérald Darmanin’s bill had been interrupted following the adoption of the pension reform after the controversial use in the spring of Article 49.3 of the Constitution (adoption without a vote of a text ) and the resulting social and political tension.
The bill was buried then dug up then reburied, testifying to the concern of the executive in the face of a text likely to rekindle tensions. Especially since the government does not have an absolute majority in the National Assembly.
It had been mentioned for a time that the government would draw up a new text to be presented to the Council of Ministers in July in order to take into account the demands of the Republicans and then obtain their support in Parliament. But one thing seems not to change: the timetable for the consideration of such a bill in the Senate, after the senatorial elections in September.