“There will be no increase for the middle classes,” assures government spokesperson Maud Bregeon

Maud Bregeon, government spokesperson, was the guest of Franceinfo evening on October 3, 2024.


Reading time: 12 min

Maud Bregeon, government spokesperson, was the guest of franceinfo evening on October 3, 2024. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

“There will be no increase for the middle classes”government spokesperson Maud Bregeon assured Thursday, October 3 in franceinfo evening, while Prime Minister Michel Barnier indicated on Tuesday that he was planning additional taxes, in addition to a considerable effort on spending.

“Michel Barnier will do everything in his power to protect the most modest French people and the middle classes”declared Maud Bregeon. Thursday morning, the Minister responsible for the Budget and Public Accounts, Laurent Saint-Martin, mentioned increases for only “0.3% of households”those who do not have children and who receive income of around 500,000 euros per year.

“We are really talking about the most fortunate of the most fortunate. This is called social justice, the fact of having the most fortunate who, at a time when we need national solidarity, contribute more.”

Maud Bregeon, government spokesperson

on franceinfo evening

Concerning savings, retirees are also in the sights, with a six-month postponement, to July 1, of the indexation of pensions. “We are shifting the indexation of pensions after increasing them at the start of the year by 5.3%, with inflation at 2%defended Maud Bregeon. I am aware of being the spokesperson for a budget which will be a difficult budget. We have chosen to maintain this indexation because we know that there are extremely modest retirees.”

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