“There will be no anti-inflation basket”, says the president of the FNSEA

Christiane Lambert, president of the FNSEA, guest of franceinfo on the occasion of the end of the Agricultural Show, affirms that the anti-inflation basket promised by the government “will not happen”.

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The anti-inflation basket proposed by the government “will not happen”said Christiane Lambert, president of the FNSEA, Saturday March 4 on franceinfo . “We met Bruno Le Maire the day before yesterday, and he confirmed it to us, there will be no anti-inflation basket”, she repeats. The FNSEA was against it, because “he will cut prices and address everyone”while the first agricultural union pleads for more targeted actions.

Rather than an anti-inflation basket, the government is asking “distributors to make zero margin on certain products“, also adds Christiane Lambert. She rather advocates on her side “a food check for the most precarious” and also ensures that it is necessary “encourage the French to consume better, to choose raw and fresh products, because the products that are increasing the most are delicatessen products”.

For several weeks, the government has been promising this anti-inflation basket for mid-March, with a list of everyday products “at bargain prices”, in the words of spokesperson Olivier Véran. But the outline of the device has always been vague, the Minister Delegate in charge of SMEs Olivia Grégoire mentioned other possible forms this week. “Will it be a basket? A trolley? Another effort by the distributors? It doesn’t matter, all that matters is that at the checkout, the bill is less salty and that the distributors take their share”she explained on Wednesday, March 1.

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