After the earthquake of dissolution, all parties began campaigning for early legislative elections. After the union of the left announced Monday, the mayor of Béziers Robert Ménard wonders if the RN will be able to unite beyond the Reconquête! party.
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In 2022, Robert Ménard, various right-wing mayor of Béziers, called for Marine Le Pen to vote before distancing himself. But for him, the current negotiations make it possible to “clarify things”while the parties begin to consult each other about the alliances and nominations to be held according to the departments. “I am the right but the left interests me”he declared, Tuesday June 11, referring to the “Popular Front” announced by the left Monday June 10 in the evening, rallyingenvironmentalists, rebels, communists and socialists.
Robert Ménard denounces the change in positioning of left-wing parties, “who after having said for weeks, all their disgust with regard to a certain number of positions taken by rebellious France, today, hop, we forget all that, and morality, we don’t talk about it more.” On the right, Robert Ménard declares himself “delighted that despite disagreements, there are hands outstretched”.
Marine Le Pen, who declared on Sunday that her party was “ready to exercise power”, “is right”assures the mayor of Béziers. “Whether we like it or nothe continues, we cannot say that they [le RN] did not win”. It is therefore necessary to take “act” and say to yourself “that we are going to go a long way together”, he considers. Evoking Reconquest, he anticipates “a game of massacre”because of “chasm” which separates Marion Maréchal, from Éric Zemmour. If Marion Maréchal gets closer to Marine Le Pen and her former camp, “a certain number of elected officials, starting with Éric Zemmour, will not accept it for a second”, he assures. This “monstrous divergence”, For “a whole bunch of reasons”between the two heads of the party, “will burst and burst Reconquest!”he predicts. As for the LR group, which had 57 elected to the National Assembly, “it’s a mystery to no one”, “there are people who were attracted by the RN and others by Mr. Macron”details Robert Ménard. “In the days to come, there is a choice that will be made”.
For Robert Ménard, there will be “to the right and to the left”of the “clarifications and It’s not worse”. “We will know what everyone is thinking and has in their stomachs”. This will make it possible, he believes, to decide between those “who have true convictions and defend them” of those who hold “talks from the stage” who “monetize according to the percentage of those you could potentially need”.