there was no rewriting of the text to obtain the votes of the National Rally

The deputies of the National Rally voted Monday in favor of the motion of censure tabled by the left alliance.

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Since the motion of censure defended by the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) in the National Assembly was also voted by the National Rally, the government accuses the left alliance of having rewritten its text before the vote to make a pact with the troops of Marine Le Pen.

Franceinfo had access to annotated working documents which prove the opposite. The words “immigration” or even “migrants” never appeared in the text. At no time were they added or removed to please the National Rally and encourage it to vote with the left alliance. “That Emmanuel Macron himself takes up these rumors of negotiations with the RN is a state scandal”gets carried away an elected representative of the left, who denounces a political recovery.

Gérald Darmanin asked Thursday morning, on France Inter, Jean-Luc Mélenchon to answer “solemnly to a simple question: was there a backyard negotiation, was there a negotiation of shame between La France insoumise and the National Rally to vote for an acceptable motion of censure? “

This question from Gérald Darmanin is a “strategy” to dismiss the Nupes and the RN, back to back, and prove that there would be a “bow” politics, links between the two, recognizes a macronist.

If there was no negotiation between the Nupes and the RN, the motion was the subject of a debate between the presidents of the Nupes groups on the strategy to be adopted, and on the choice of the right words. . Several socialist deputies on this occasion pleaded to insert more firewalls and safeguards in this motion of censure, so that the National Rally does not support it. But this has not been the subject of a written record. Some socialists now regret not having done more to avoid the political trap set by Marine Le Pen.

“Gérald Darmanin is a structural liar”denounced Thursday evening on France 2 the leader of La France insoumise Jean-Luc-Mélenchon. “There is no alliance with the RN”assured the former presidential candidate.

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