Gilles Kepel, specialist in the Arab world and author of the book “Holocausts” on the shock of October 7, was the guest on “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday March 30, 2024.
Reading time: 16 min

Gilles Kepel, specialist in the Arab world and author of Holocausts: Israel, Gaza and the war against the West, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday March 30, 2024. He answered questions from Agathe Lambret and Jean-Rémi Baudot.
“There was a lack of vigilance and above all a poor analysis of some of these challenges”, estimates, Saturday on franceinfo, Gilles Kepel, specialist in the Arab world, on the subject of security in educational establishments. For several days, middle and high schools have been experiencing a wave of threats of attacks via digital workspaces (ENT). The principal of the Parisian high school Maurice Ravel left his post after several weeks of threats on social networks for asking a student to remove her veil. “National Education is an extremely sensitive membrane for all of this”says the specialist.
For Gilles Kepel, these situations result from a “atmospheric jihadism” And “from this atmosphere, acts are born”. “You no longer have so much structured organizations as all kinds of things happening on the web”, says the specialist. This type of content that circulates on social networks “does not recognize the laws of the Republic”but “only Sharia laws” such as their authors “fantastically”.
This phenomenon was “aggravated by what happened in Israel and Palestine very recently” And “this desire to redefine the moral foundations of today’s world”says the author who has just published Holocausts. Israel, Gaza and the wars against the West (Plon editions). “What we need to do is designate the North as the symbol of horror and consider that colonization was much worse than the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis”he notes. “All these things that pass in small pieces will then spread, scatter, in bits and pieces through this jihadist atmosphere that we find in the stupidities that this or that schoolboy will address to his colleagues”he continues.
“This matter was not managed very well at the top”maintains Gilles Kepel. “As much as National Education is lagging behind from this point of view, French intelligence, because there were Daesh attacks on French territory, is completely up to par”, “the experience acquired by intelligence in recent years has brought it completely up to par.he admits.
Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Saturday March 30, 2024: