“There was a certain indulgence towards Bertrand Cantat”, Carla Bruni more cash than ever on the death of Marie Trintignant!

Nearly 20 years ago, Marie Trintignant died of cerebral edema caused by the numerous blows struck by her companion at the time Bertrand Cantat. The singer will be sentenced before being released in 2007 for good behavior. Its judicial control will be completely lifted in 2010.

Our colleagues from Point unveiled excerpts from the book black desire by Anne Sophie Jahn, devoted to this feminicide. The magazine wanted to interview Carla Bruni, who knew the actress. “The death of Marie Trintignant upset me, not because it was about Marie, who was marvelously singular, but because it was on the contrary a sadly banal crime”she said. “The numbers of feminicides are only increasing in France (as of March 4, 2023, there have been 23 feminicides since the beginning of 2023, editor’s note). and in the world every year, whatever our culture or our social situation. While Marie had a flamboyant life, she died of a sordid crime”.

For the First Lady, the musician benefited from a certain indulgence because he was a “anti-globalization icon of his time”. In addition to this “indulgence” also linked to “the political orientation of the media and the cultural milieu”Nicolas Sarkozy’s wife emphasizes one point: the lack of reaction which, according to her “is very amazing”. “We can’t help but wonder why. Are there double standards?”.

Black anger against his ex-wife

The book Black Desire also pours out on Krisztina Rády, the mother of the rocker’s children. The latter paid several visits to the artist. This gave rise to electrical exchanges. “I attended, like the prisoners and guards, his monster anger in the visiting room against his wife. She left in tears with the children. He gave her orders: ‘Go buy me this!’ and if she didn’t bring him back…”, a fellow inmate testified.“With his wife, he was a manager, if things didn’t go as he wanted, he wasn’t happy“.

Krisztina Rady, found dead on January 3, 2010 at her home.

See also: Video: These stars who suffered from domestic violence…


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