Video length: 9 min
Future government: “There may be adjustments between now and the government’s announcement”
Future government: “There may be adjustments between now and the government’s announcement”
(France 2)
Franck Riester, the resigning Minister of Foreign Trade, Attractiveness, Francophonie and French Nationals Abroad, is the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Friday September 20.
Indiscretions concerning the future government have leaked out. Franck Riester, the resigning Minister of Foreign Trade, Attractiveness, Francophonie and French Nationals Abroad, was in the Prime Minister’s office on Thursday, September 19, the day Michel Barnier presented the list of future ministers to Emmanuel Macron. Does he confirm that there will be 38 ministers, parity, ten ministers from the former majority and three ministers from the right? “Yes, the Prime Minister gave us this information. Now you know how it is, there may be adjustments between now and the government’s announcement.”comments Franck Riester on the set of “4 Vérités”, Friday September 20.
“We were waiting for this meeting. Gabriel Attal had asked, as soon as Michel Barnier was appointed, for a meeting to discuss a certain number of issues to support and participate in this government. We wanted Michel Barnier’s government to succeed, because it is in the interest of the French people, and to say that we would never be a blocking force, but at the same time we had questions.”continues the resigning Minister of Foreign Trade, Attractiveness, Francophonie and French Nationals Abroad.
Watch the full interview in the video above.