There is still a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the measures taken by the resigning government


Video length: 2 min

Back to school: great uncertainty remains over the measures taken by the resigning government
Back to school: great uncertainty remains over the measures taken by the resigning government
(france 2)

Nicole Belloubet, the resigning Minister of National Education, discussed some of the files that the government was preparing on Tuesday, August 28, as the start of the school year looms. Most of the projects are frozen, while others, such as the level groups in middle school, will still see the light of day.

It was a resigned Minister of Education who appeared before the media on the morning of Tuesday, August 27. The files that Nicole Belloubet was leading are suspended due to the dissolution. “I am well aware that this return to school is taking place in a somewhat unprecedented context on a political level,” she said. Among the frozen reforms are the recruitment of teachers with a bac +3, the new French and mathematics programs for nursery school and part of primary school, and the compulsory brevet to move up to the second year.

School leaders, many of whom were opposed to some of these reforms, prefer to remain cautious. “We are waiting to know whether all these proposals will continue or not. Very objectively, we hope that many of them will not, because for us, they are a lot of expenses for little educational or pedagogical effects.”says Bruno Bobkiewicz, general secretary of the SNPDEN-UNSA union. The level groups in middle schools will still be partially applied, in the same way as the experiment of wearing uniforms or the ban on mobile phones within middle schools.

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