“There is not an ounce of xenophobia” within Eric Zemmour’s Reconquest party, according to his spokesperson

Antoine Diers, spokesperson for the Reconquest party launched on Sunday by Eric Zemmour during his first meeting, assured Franceinfo that “there is no racism” within this training.

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“There is not an ounce of xenophobia among us, there is not an ounce of racism”, hammered Sunday, December 5 on franceinfo Antoine Diers, spokesperson for the association Les Amis d’Eric Zemmour and the new party of the presidential candidate, Reconquest. Eric Zemmour held his first campaign rally in Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis), during which he launched his party.

For Antoine Diers, Eric Zemmour affirmed that “Assimilation was a super powerful, super French phenomenon, which allows all people, wherever they come from, if they wish, to become French. That’s our big difference with the extreme right. “ He assures us that at the Villepinte meeting, “There was no far-right. There were only right-wing French, patriots and sincere, who say that they have had enough and that they want to be able to live in France with respect for our lifestyles, in security and by controlling immigration which has become completely uncontrolled “. Eric Zemmour’s supporters ask “simply that all new French people share our values ​​and defend France, love it as we love it”.

According to Antoine Diers, these are “the media which do their utmost to think that we are racist and far-right”. He would like to point out that Eric Zemmour mainly spoke “of the future, of school, of health, of social”. The spokesperson for Reconquest assures us that Eric Zemmour “is a full candidate for the presidential election or open to all French people. Anyone who wishes can be French.” Eric Zemmour “undertakes that all those who wish it and who respect this logic of assimilation are fully French”.

Asked about his membership in Les Républicains, Antoine Diers confirms that he is “always” inserted in Republicans. He also specifies that he has “voted Eric Ciotti” during the LR primary. “Eric Ciotti’s defeat shows that I was right to encourage a candid right-wing candidacy”, launches Antoine Diers. He doubts that “Valérie Pécresse have the courage to fundamentally reform immigration laws”. He doesn’t think “that Valérie Pécresse can reindustrialize the country while respecting the current codes imposed on us by the European Union”. Conversely, he assures that with Eric Zemmour, “here we have someone who will do what he says, someone who will transform our lives, who will do what others have promised us for thirty years, but never did.”

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