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The doors of the vast majority of colleges and high schools have remained closed to women since the Taliban returned to power in August.
Can we both be in favor of welcoming Ukrainian refugees and opposed to the arrival in France of Afghan women, who have been living under the Taliban regime since the summer of 2021? Guest of the program “Elysée 2022”, Thursday March 3, Marine Le Pen answered in the affirmative. “There is no war in Afghanistan! It’s over!”justified the candidate of the National Rally in the presidential election.
To support her reasoning, the finalist in the last election of 2017 relied on “the rule of law”. “I’m sorry: the law, the whole law, but nothing but the law. The law is the right of asylum, [pour lequel] it is necessary to demonstrate that as an individual, one is the object of persecution on the part of his government”continued Marine Le Pen.
After regaining power in Afghanistan in August, the Taliban promised to be more flexible towards women than during their first regime, between 1996 and 2001, when they were deprived of almost all their rights. But the reality is far from their discourse. If the Taliban say they allow women to work as long as gender segregation is respected, in fact they no longer have access to public jobs, except in specialized fields, such as health and education.
The Taliban say they believe that girls also have the right to be educated. But the doors of the vast majority of colleges and high schools have remained closed to them since August. Television channels are no longer allowed to broadcast series including women. And female journalists must wear the hijab on screen.